Essex Activate Attendee's Parent (July 2024)

So very lovely how Amelia takes personal interest in understanding her students and their needs.

She has been so supportive to my son, and he feels very much like she is a safe person in his life.

Therapy is at the heart of the work they do.

Hari's Parent (February 2023)

“Music therapy has helped a lot, he has worked through a lot of anger and we see less of this at home. He is much more emotionally articulate and able to communicate how he feels. Amelia has been a consistent support for Hari. The way she has been flexible with locations and is there on good days and bad days has cultivated a very special relationship. He knows she will be there no matter what and I do think that’s made him feel safe and able to open up. She is there for him no matter how he feels, where his emotions are or what’s going on. That is incredibly special and we are so thankful for that.”

Emily's Parent (February 2023)

“The connection that Emily had with her teacher Amelia, the way they played was amazing as my daughter waited and understood when it was her turn to play and always smiled. This helped us to see that Emily has much more potential she just needs help to develop and improve it. Emily increased her concentration, developed anticipation of what is next and waited her turn to play. She is vocalising more and also improved her motor skills by holding the instruments much better for longer. She is very happy when is having music therapy and this makes us so happy as a family. Thank you so much. Amelia you are an amazing therapist that I would recommend to anyone I know with no hesitation.”

Paul, The Rhythmic Breath Attendee (March 2023)

“I find the sessions incredibly beneficial for both physical and mental recovery whilst battling the condition. It provides tools to apply focus in everyday life such as the breathing exercises and mindfulness, as well as providing weekly cognitive challenges which stimulate (and frustrate) in equal measure, but are invaluable in trying to keep moving forward.”

Sunshine Sing and Sign Choir Member (December 2022)

“I enjoyed bonding with my baby through music and seeing how he had developed over the course of the 10 weeks (at beginning mainly listening and watching, by the end he could hold the instruments and join in and was rolling around taking it all in, smiling, giggling and clearly enjoying it so much. It was nice to meet other parents and their babies too.”

Reuben's Parent (August 2022)

Reuben looked foward to his music sessions and he loved playing with the musical instruments , especially the rain drum. It was great to see him engaged with someone who was really understanding of his needs. Reuben would become really excited to have his music therapy and see Amelia. He would be able to focus on amelia and the music for long periods of time (for him)”

Sunshine Sing and Sign Choir Member (December 2022)

“I enjoyed bonding with my baby through music and seeing how he had developed over the course of the 10 weeks (at beginning mainly listening and watching, by the end he could hold the instruments and join in and was rolling around taking it all in, smiling, giggling and clearly enjoying it so much. It was nice to meet other parents and their babies too.”

Karen, Chronic Health (January 2023)

Music Therapy is a great opportunity for example, for those with chronic health conditions, to ‘let go’, flow with the music, be in the moment and just experience themselves for a while (which is something many of us rarely do). Even the activities I was initially unsure about, I participated in fully. I was surprised at how refreshed, replenished and ‘expansive’ or opened up, I felt afterwards.”

In Harmony Choir Member (December 2022)

“Yes, the choir has helped my mental health by focusing on my singing, learning new songs and just enjoying myself with everyone which has been amazing. I felt confident and relieved after singing.”

The Rhythmic Breath Attendee (April 2022)

I have continued to attend music therapy after my initial course of sessions because I have found it of  such significant value in my continuing recovery from Long COVID . It has helped me understand my symptoms and how these are all interlinked and being with others in the group has helped normalise my daily experiences after months of questioning. Participating in the range of weekly activities has assisted me in challenging long standing symptoms of breathlessness and brain fog in a fun way that enables me to laugh at myself at times. Often what we do tackles several symptoms at once and I always leave sessions feeling good so  I am keen to continue attending as frequently as possible”

The Rhythmic Breath Attendee (April 2022)

“Attending the Long Covid group was a really daunting experience as I hadn’t gone out much after surviving covid. I honestly thought a singing group was going to be people banging tambourines expecting me to sing ridiculous songs. I couldn’t have been more wrong, I was greeted with such warmth and understanding in a very personal setting with people that generally cared and the support was exactly what I had needed at such a hard time. Thank you so much for helping me with breathing techniques and also for providing a safe space for me to share such a personal experience”

The Rhythmic Breath Group (April 2022)

“It makes you feel like you are not alone with symptoms”

“I really enjoy the groups and it’s really my only outlet and safe place to actually share and learn”

“Thank you for everything. Just being there is a help”

“I can’t wait to get back to the group”

“Thank you for all your help and support”

“I do appreciate the hard work that you both put in, it’s sensitive but you are very empathetic and understanding”

Amy, Early Years Teacher (August 2021)

“We decided to work with Ace Music Therapy as we believed this would benefit our children with additional needs as well as build the confidence of our little ones. We couldn’t ask for anymore! The children thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and would ask regularly for when Rebecca was coming back to play! Our children greatly benefitted and we would definitely organise future sessions for our children!”

Amanda, Case Worker (September 2021)

“I am so pleased I found Amelia and Ace Music Therapy. Already two of my clients are benefiting from her services and I am so impressed with what she has been able to achieve to date. My clients have disabilities that often present as a barrier to their learning, enjoyment and engagement with their environment. Amelia and her therapist’s input have started to overcome these barriers and unlock a world of fun and expression. They work closely with the other members of my multidisciplinary teams to ensure a holistic approach and as a case manager, this means extremely positive outcomes for my clients.”

Ace Adventures Parent (October 2021)

“I’ve been taking my two girls (aged 1 and 2) to Ace Adventures in Earls Colne and they absolutely loved the session. It’s really helped them to bond as siblings  and my eldest talks about it for days afterwards. There are loads of instruments and props to play. Rebecca is really great with the kids and her adventure stories are clever and interactive. Overall I think it’s a great idea for a kids class and it’s by far the best class I’ve been to!”

S, aged 40 attends music therapy at St Francis Hospice (February 2020)

“The session was quite relaxing and refreshing at the same time. It gave me rest from the hecticness of life and I liked the flexibility to be whatever you want in the session.”

N, The Rhythmic Breath Attendee (November 2021)

“The weekly sessions provide me with useful strategies to help me manage the breathing and brain fog difficulties I experience daily as a result of my chronic illness. They also give me a much needed opportunity to express my emotions through singing and playing in a safe and welcoming environment”

M, Science Festival Attendee (October 2021)

“Attending the music therapy session at Ace definitely opened my eyes to an area of therapy I never knew existed. The power of music and its physical and mental benefits were so apparent, I absolutely loved the experience”

Social Worker (July 2019)

“The passion from the therapist shone through to the children as they are the ones who benefit from this therapy.” She then added “I was very impressed watching the therapist and the child responding to her music and singing. More music therapists are needed!”

Social Worker (April 2019)

“Whilst the children were in the music therapy group they were smiling, moving bodies, making sounds, responding to the instruments and singing.”

G, aged 3, Life Limited (July 2019)

“I wanted to say a huge thank you for all you have done for me, you’ve helped to reduce my self harming a lot since we started and my parents will forever be grateful to you! You’ve made me happier and given me a chance to express myself. I have enjoyed our time together very much!”

Elaine, Portage Teacher - Southend (July 2019)

“Towards the end of the session [Amelia] took a 20 minute music and singing time with the children who were present. Their needs were varied […] and Amelia was able to assess these, adapt and give appropriate, individual input to each of these children, all of whom had positive responses. I noted how insightful she was with the parents, some of whom needed a gentle approach when trying to give advice. The session was really fun and stimulating for all the children in attendance, and got the parents all engaged as well […]. I also learnt some new approaches which I will be using at future sessions.”

Darby's Parent (March 2019)

“Darby’s responsiveness to Amelia was incredible – even when she was tired. She turned towards the instruments held/tapped drums and shakers, felt strings – and most impactful of all, seemed to understand she could ‘control’ (i.e. on/off) the clarinet – which for a child with so little agency in her life was genuinely moving.”

Parent (July 2018)

“Our son had the absolute privilege of having Amelia as his Musical Therapy Teacher. He made so much progress with her and really enjoyed their time together each week. I would highly recommend Amelia & her service to anyone interested in Music therapy for their child. She is so patient, warming & kind. Thank You Amelia.”

M, aged 19 reflects on his experience of music therapy (June 2019)

“I am not sad like I used to be. I am more jolly and happy, always singing.”

Abdel's Parent (June 2018)

“We have known Amelia for one and a half year now. She has done brilliant work for my son (Abel) who is suffering from brain injury. During the music therapy she is working hard to find any communication or connection to him. Whilst playing on instruments she carefully watches how Abel reacts. I’m sure my son enjoys his music and this sensation helps his recovery.”

C, Young Adult (July 2018)

“I enjoyed music therapy. Also I had an opportunity to play some musical instruments. You were so kind and friendly towards me. I wish you all the best.”


We provide high quality music therapy provisions for schools and colleges at excellent value for money.


Individual sessions last up to an hour and are entirely client led. Therapists work on aims decided upon following a detailed assessment sessions with a therapist.


We work with a variety of charities to provide music therapy provisions.

In The Community

Ace Music Therapy CIC provides music therapy to individuals and groups within the community.


We run regular Continued Professional Development days for music therapists, both in person and online.


Ace Music Therapy CIC therapists work in a range of healthcare settings including hospices, care homes, hospitals, in-patient and out-patient units and community rehabilitation centres.

Latest News

From festive events to exciting new projects, see how we’ve been transforming lives through music this quarter. Read our latest report and join us on this incredible journey!

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