Ace Music Therapy on Chelmsford Community Radio!

This Monday, Amelia was on Chelmsford Community Radio talking to Nita Jhummu about Ace Music Therapy and all the amazing work we do.

It’s so great that we are being given the opportunities to continue to spread the word about music therapy as it is such a powerful tool that everyone needs to know about!

Listen to the recording of the interview below to find out more about what we do, a powerful case study and some new exciting projects coming up in Chelmsford! 

We were recently awarded funding by Essex Arts and Cultural Fund to run 4 new music groups in Chelmsford. Nita mentions that we were one of the 40 successful applicants out of 200 and the ONLY one in Chelmsford to recieve the funding, which is so amazing! 

Our new project is really exciting and we can’t wait to tell you all more about it. 


Amelia from Ace Music Therapy

by Nita Jhummu's City Talk

Nita: “What are your plans for the funds that you’ve been given?”

Amelia: “We’re really excited about the project. Basically we’re going to be running 4 choirs within Chelmsford for 4 different groups of people. All these groups are people that normally might struggle to access choirs or choirs might not be inclusive enough for them essentially.

We have ‘In Harmony’ which is a choir for people with disabilities – any kind of disability –  and they can be non-verbal, they don’t have to be able to talk.

Then we’ve got ‘Still Sharp’ which is for people with Dementia or Alzheimers and their carers.

Then, ‘Breaking Octaves’ is a choir for parents of children with disabilities.

And then we’ve got ‘Sushine Sing and Sign’ which we’ll use the Makaton signing with, which is for mums and babies, again a very neglected group, becuase you can’t always take your babies with you to choirs.”

” The whole aim of [the choirs] is to reduce isolation and improve wellbeing, obviously with Covid everyone’s been hit by it and it’s been a difficult time for everyone. But we hope to bring the community back together again. At the end of the 10 weeks we’re going to do a performance which will bring all those choirs together and we’re gonna hopefully get a local school orchestra/band involved as well. “

Amelia Clapham

Thank you so much to Nita and to Chelmsford Communtiy Radio for having us on your show, it was such a pleasure and we are so excited to get more people informed about music therapy and the many benefits it has. Stay tuned to hear about our upcoming choirs in Chelmsford.

If you’d like to find out more about the FREE community music groups we currently run, click on the picture to the left!

Please get in touch.....

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