We are so excited to have recieved funding that allows us to run these amazing new groups for FREE to spread the joy of music even further!

Wiggles and Jiggles


Our well loved baby and parent music group is back!

Music is one of the most important things to introduce to children, especially in the first few years of their lives.

This FREE group is an amazing way to bond with your baby as they will listen to the sounds of lots of instruments, hear your voice as you sing and jiggle along to the music!

Meet and chat to new parents, have fun and make some music with us!

This group is suitable for all abilities including babies with special needs.

Still Sharp# Choir


This group is amazing opportunity for people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia and their friends, family and carers to connect with eachother through music.

It is proven that music is one of the most effective tools to use in Dementia care which is why we have created this choir group as we know how important it is.

We are so passionate about the use of music within care and believe that this choir will boost the mood and overall quality of life of the people who attend. 

Come along and make some wonderful music with us!

In Harmony Choir


This choir group is for people with Disabilities and Special Needs and their friends, family and carers to connect with eachother through singing and music.

Music can connect us and boost our moods like nothing else can, which is why we have created this group – to include those who are often excluded in society and build a strong community together.

There is something so powerful about singing with a group of people as it can help us to feel unified, relaxed and happy.

Meet new friends, have fun and sing along with us!

We’d love to see you there as we can’t wait to start singing with you!

The Rhythmic Breath


This group is one that we already run in Chelmsford which we are so passionate about, helping people with chronic mental and physical health conditions through music, rhythm and breathwork.

We believe this group is so important right now due to the mental health crisis we are currently facing and we know that music can help people! 

Come along if you are experiencing chronic illness, mental health issues or general stress and anxiety and you will be sure to come out feeling relaxed and  rejuvinated, with tips and tricks to help soothe yourself in your daily life. 

This is a safe space to share and express yourself. You don’t need any musical experience to attend and you will never be asked to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.

Please get in touch.....

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