Wiggles and Jiggles aims to develop healthy relationships between parents and their babies and encourage a depper bond by using music.

The group helps to promote cognitive development in the babies and postive mental health for parents.

These sessions use a multi-sensory approach to engage children by introducing them to new sounds and instruments!

Sign up to our email newsletter and follow us on social media to stay updated with our groups to know when we will be running more Wiggles and Jiggles!

100% of parents found the session enjoyable. Several parents commented on the positives of their babies being allowed to explore the instruments on offer and one parent commented “the music therapist was very personal with each baby to ensure they felt and were involved.” Other feedback included “very enjoyable class!”


We work with a variety of charities to provide music therapy provisions.


Community choirs and music groups

Ace Adventures

Free musical story and sensory experience using instruments and props for under 5's

Latest News

From festive events to exciting new projects, see how we’ve been transforming lives through music this quarter. Read our latest report and join us on this incredible journey!

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