At Ace Music Therapy we believe in the importance of renewing our skills and therefore run regular Continued Professional Development days for our team. We open these days up to other music therapists. In February 2020 we ran a Practical Skills Day for Music Therapists and in July 2020 we ran several Makaton Training Sessions online using Zoom. These have proved to be very successful. 

"I really enjoyed the musical element - playing with everyone else and I'll take elements of this with me in my clinical work" (February 2020).

100% of participants said they felt more confident about using Makaton as a result of attending the training session in July 2020.

“Thank you for a fun and informative training” (July 2020)

“Zohra was a great teacher- clear, engaging, enthusiastic, pacey. Thank you!" (July 2020)


Our training sessions will teach you about the benefits of using music in your work and aim to improve your confidence and ability to use music.


These interactive sessions delivered by music therapists aim to help parents to develop confidence in using music at home with their children.

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From festive events to exciting new projects, see how we’ve been transforming lives through music this quarter. Read our latest report and join us on this incredible journey!

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